If you have experiences with these products or know other solutions along this line, please contact me.
In this blog I would like to explore how to identify APT infections with freely available tools (like the one's from Mandiant and others) and maybe custom scripts.
This is yet another blog about APT (if you don't know what this stands for, you're in the wrong place or need to read on).
It's dedicated to share interesting (in my opinion) links to APT resources, and some of the most interesting facts of each link (only when I have spare time).
The blog title should be a word game from "capture the APT". The main topic will be how to be able to identify (and maybe remediate) APT infected systems.
If you have suggestions for additional resources or if you find incorrect facts on here, please email me (toms.security.stuff@gmail.tld -- you should know the TLD of gmail, starts with a 'C' and ends with 'OM').
I don't want to spill all the best links at once, so I will write more later...
Thanks for stopping by and please come back again :-)
*** Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with any of the companies linked in this blog.
I won't tell you what company I work for, unless you find out yourself. ***