This is the second post about using Redline for Live Response. The first post covered Using Redline for Live Response - Part 1, showing how many details from artifacts can be collected with Redline.
Let's take a look at the steps necessary for running Redline Collector remotely.
- copy the collector to the host
- run the collector on the host
- compress the collection data (optional)
- copy the collection data back
I'm sure there are many ways to accomplish this, but here is the way I did it.
A short batch script, taking a hostname as parameter, uses PsExec to copy and execute a remote-script to the host. The remote-script does actually the steps described above.
- read-only network share (for collector source)
- \\RO-Share-Host\Redline\
- writable network share (to copy collection data back)
- \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\
- psexec rights (as admin) on remote host for user starting scripts
- D:\Tools\Sysinternals>psexec -s \\hostname cmd /c whoami
- --> nt authority\system
Considerations / Disadvantages:
- needs privileged credentials for running the collector remotely
- collector software and data overwrites unallocated space (changing harddisk from host under investigation)
Here are the two scripts, just slightly modified (anonymized) from the original previously used. (I hope I didn't introduce any typos or find/replace errors -- if so, please let me know)
REM ============================================================================
REM | Usage: run-redline.cmd hostname
REM ============================================================================
@echo off
REM check if remote host is online
ping -n 1 %1 >NUL || echo Client %1 is offline. && goto FINISHED
echo Running Redline Collector remotely on System: %1
time /t
D:\Tools\Sysinternals\psexec.exe -accepteula \\%1 -s -c D:\Tools\Mandiant\Redline\run-redline-remote.cmd %1 >> E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1_Redline_Log.txt
sleep 3
D:\Tools\7z.exe x -oE:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1 E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1\audit_%1.7z
move E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1_Redline_Log.txt E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1\
dir /s E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
echo *** Finished Redline Collector script !!!
time /t
REM ============================================================================
REM | Usage: run-redline-remote.cmd hostname
REM ============================================================================
@echo off
REM create new dir for Redline Collector
mkdir C:\Redline
cd C:\Redline
echo Starting "run-redline-remote.cmd" on System: %1 >> run-redline-remote.log
time /t >> run-redline-remote.log
REM copy Redline Collector executable and scripts from share
xcopy /E /C /Y /Q \\RO-Share-Host\Redline\Redline-Collector-Latest .
sleep 10
dir /s
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem include Helper.bat (using "call Helper.bat" didn't work)
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
ECHO Ensuring the proper working directory
cd %~dp0
REM Verify the files exist
SET agent64=.\x64\MIRAgent.exe
SET agent32=.\x86\MIRAgent.exe
SET script=MemoryzeAuditScript.xml
SET outputdir=.
IF NOT EXIST "%agent64%" GOTO :failed
REM IF NOT EXIST "%agent32%" GOTO :failed
IF NOT EXIST "%script%" GOTO :failed
IF "%1"=="" GOTO :usedefault
SET outputdir=%1
REM Check that the directory exists, and if not create it.
IF NOT EXIST "%outputdir%" CALL mkdir "%outputdir%"
SET args=-o "..\%outputdir%" -f -script "..\%script%" -encoding none -allowmultiple
SET agent=%agent32%
IF "%bitness%"=="x86" GOTO :agentset
IF "%bitness%"=="IA64" GOTO :unsupported
SET agent=%agent64%
ECHO %agent% %args%
call %agent% %args%
GOTO :end
ECHO Failure Encountered:
ECHO Agent and/or Redline Audit Script not found.
GOTO :end
ECHO Failure Encountered:
ECHO This Operating System is not supported by the Memoryze Agent
GOTO :end
ECHO Failure Encountered
ECHO %errorlevel% return from "%lastcmd%"
IF EXIST "%buildlog%" START notepad "%buildlog%"
GOTO :end
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Finished "run-redline-remote.cmd" on System: %1 >> run-redline-remote.log
time /t >> run-redline-remote.log
mkdir \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
rem copy run-redline-remote.log \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
rem ** copy collection without compression
rem xcopy /E /C /Y %1 \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
rem ** copy collection WITH (7z) compression
7z.exe a audit_%1.7z %1
copy audit_%1.7z \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
sleep 20
echo Finished "run-redline-remote.cmd" on System: %1 >> run-redline-remote.log
time /t >> run-redline-remote.log
copy run-redline-remote.log \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
The scripts are provided as is without any warranty. Use at your own risk. They may be changed without notice.
I will update this post later with a PoC running the scripts "remotely" from the VM-host on the infected VM from the previous post.
Stay tuned for more...