This is the second post about using Redline for Live Response. The first post covered Using Redline for Live Response - Part 1, showing how many details from artifacts can be collected with Redline.
Let's take a look at the steps necessary for running Redline Collector remotely.
- copy the collector to the host
- run the collector on the host
- compress the collection data (optional)
- copy the collection data back
I'm sure there are many ways to accomplish this, but here is the way I did it.
A short batch script, taking a hostname as parameter, uses PsExec to copy and execute a remote-script to the host. The remote-script does actually the steps described above.
- read-only network share (for collector source)
- \\RO-Share-Host\Redline\
- writable network share (to copy collection data back)
- \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\
- psexec rights (as admin) on remote host for user starting scripts
- D:\Tools\Sysinternals>psexec -s \\hostname cmd /c whoami
- --> nt authority\system
Considerations / Disadvantages:
- needs privileged credentials for running the collector remotely
- collector software and data overwrites unallocated space (changing harddisk from host under investigation)
Here are the two scripts, just slightly modified (anonymized) from the original previously used. (I hope I didn't introduce any typos or find/replace errors -- if so, please let me know)
REM ============================================================================
REM | Usage: run-redline.cmd hostname
REM ============================================================================
@echo off
REM check if remote host is online
ping -n 1 %1 >NUL || echo Client %1 is offline. && goto FINISHED
echo Running Redline Collector remotely on System: %1
time /t
D:\Tools\Sysinternals\psexec.exe -accepteula \\%1 -s -c D:\Tools\Mandiant\Redline\run-redline-remote.cmd %1 >> E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1_Redline_Log.txt
sleep 3
D:\Tools\7z.exe x -oE:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1 E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1\audit_%1.7z
move E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1_Redline_Log.txt E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1\
dir /s E:\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
echo *** Finished Redline Collector script !!!
time /t
REM ============================================================================
REM | Usage: run-redline-remote.cmd hostname
REM ============================================================================
@echo off
REM create new dir for Redline Collector
mkdir C:\Redline
cd C:\Redline
echo Starting "run-redline-remote.cmd" on System: %1 >> run-redline-remote.log
time /t >> run-redline-remote.log
REM copy Redline Collector executable and scripts from share
xcopy /E /C /Y /Q \\RO-Share-Host\Redline\Redline-Collector-Latest .
sleep 10
dir /s
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem include Helper.bat (using "call Helper.bat" didn't work)
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
ECHO Ensuring the proper working directory
cd %~dp0
REM Verify the files exist
SET agent64=.\x64\MIRAgent.exe
SET agent32=.\x86\MIRAgent.exe
SET script=MemoryzeAuditScript.xml
SET outputdir=.
IF NOT EXIST "%agent64%" GOTO :failed
REM IF NOT EXIST "%agent32%" GOTO :failed
IF NOT EXIST "%script%" GOTO :failed
IF "%1"=="" GOTO :usedefault
SET outputdir=%1
REM Check that the directory exists, and if not create it.
IF NOT EXIST "%outputdir%" CALL mkdir "%outputdir%"
SET args=-o "..\%outputdir%" -f -script "..\%script%" -encoding none -allowmultiple
SET agent=%agent32%
IF "%bitness%"=="x86" GOTO :agentset
IF "%bitness%"=="IA64" GOTO :unsupported
SET agent=%agent64%
ECHO %agent% %args%
call %agent% %args%
GOTO :end
ECHO Failure Encountered:
ECHO Agent and/or Redline Audit Script not found.
GOTO :end
ECHO Failure Encountered:
ECHO This Operating System is not supported by the Memoryze Agent
GOTO :end
ECHO Failure Encountered
ECHO %errorlevel% return from "%lastcmd%"
IF EXIST "%buildlog%" START notepad "%buildlog%"
GOTO :end
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Finished "run-redline-remote.cmd" on System: %1 >> run-redline-remote.log
time /t >> run-redline-remote.log
mkdir \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
rem copy run-redline-remote.log \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
rem ** copy collection without compression
rem xcopy /E /C /Y %1 \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
rem ** copy collection WITH (7z) compression
7z.exe a audit_%1.7z %1
copy audit_%1.7z \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
sleep 20
echo Finished "run-redline-remote.cmd" on System: %1 >> run-redline-remote.log
time /t >> run-redline-remote.log
copy run-redline-remote.log \\RW-Share-Host\Data-Upload\Audits\%1
The scripts are provided as is without any warranty. Use at your own risk. They may be changed without notice.
I will update this post later with a PoC running the scripts "remotely" from the VM-host on the infected VM from the previous post.
Stay tuned for more...
I thought I'd post a comment. Using Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 the script fails in a number of ways. Sleep comes back as an unrecognized command. Changing to timeout worked. But then, when I run-redline.cmd the script fails with an error about "Input redirection is not supported".
ReplyDeleteIf I run run-redline-remote.cmd directly, it starts to run, shows a whole bunch of output SVDP\Database\2013
Then it gets to "Ensuring the proper working directory" followed by...
"Failure Encountered:"
"Agent and/or Redline Audit Script not found."
"HOSTNAME: WARNING: The system cannot find the file specified."
"Creating archive audit_HOSTNAME.7z"
"WARNINGS for files:"
"HOSTNAME : The system cannot find the file specified."
Seems like something is wrong in the scripting. So far, I've gotten closer but not able to actually get this working.
Thanks anonymous for the comment. The script was developed for and used on Vista and Win7 to automate as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteFor other OS'es some tweaking and adjustments may be necessary.